Here is an article that explains why you meet the object “Attributeerror:” Nonetype “has no attribute ‘_id’in your backtder script:

Degassing Ethereum with BackTer's trading muzzle

As a developer, it can be frustrating when you have to do with errors and errors. In this article, we will go through the possible causes of the object "Attributeerror:" Nonetype "has no attribute '_id' 'an error you encounter.

What is the object "Attributeerror:" Nonetype "has no attribute '_id' error?

This error occurs when you try to access an attribute or method on a variable that has been set to “none”. In this case, the _id 'attribute of a value does not cause the problem.

Possible causes:

There are several reasons why this error could take place in your backtder script. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

Incorrect variable initialization

Make sure you initialize the variables correctly before you try to access them.


Import BackTer as BT

Initializes the cerebro object

cerebro = bt.cerebro ()

Missing import statements

Ensure -What all the necessary import statements are included in your code.

Importconstant (optional)

If you are using a recent backtder version, you may need to import constant from the _backTer_ Module instead:


from _backTader_.

Incorrect data initialization

Check that the initialization of your data is correct. In the backtder, the_Data ‘attribute of a cerebro object should contain a Pandas list or data represents historical prices.

Example correct initialization

Here is an example of how to initialize _Data with historical prices:


Class Strategy (BT.Strategy):

Def __init __ (self):

Self.Data = Bt.Feeds.Pandasdata (dataname = 'yahoo', fromdate = '1995-01-01', todate = '2022-02-26')

Missing the initialization of the cerebro object

Make sure that the_cerebroobject is initialized before trying to access its methods.

Example correct initialization

Here is an example of how to initialize the_cerebroobject:


Class Strategy (BT.Strategy):

Def __init __ (self):

Super (Strategy, Self) .__ Init __ ()

cerebro = bt.cerebro ()

Error in data processing

Check if there are any data processing errors. You can add antrial-reception block to catch and manage any exceptions that might appear:


Class Strategy (BT.Strategy):

Def __init __ (self):

Super (Strategy, Self) .__ Init __ ()


cerebro.add-doden (self.Data) ()

except the exception that is:

Print (F "Error processing data: {e}")


The object "Attributeerror:" Nonetype "has no attribute '_id' 'can occur for different reasons, such as incorrect variable initialization, missing import statements or errors in data processing. Following the steps presented above and checking any potential problems, you should be able to solve this error and improve your backter script.

Code for example

Here is an example of a code fragment that demonstrates how to remedyattributeorrier using the corrected variable initialization:

“ Python

Import BackTer as BT

Class Strategy (BT.Strategy):

Def __init __ (self):

cerebro = bt.cerebro ()

Self.Data = Bt.Feeds.Pandasdata (dataname = ‘yahoo’, fromdate = ‘1995-01-01’, todate = ‘2022-02-26’)

cerebro.add-doden (self.Data) ()

Create and start a new backtder session

cerebro = bt.cerebro ()

Strategist = strategy ()

cerebro.adddata (strateg)


Price Target Fork

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